Leroy Arthur

April 13, 2021

Leroy’s Day

Leroy Arthur is a biomedical engineering PhD student.

Leroy, whose parents are originally from Kumasi, Ghana, grew up in North Carolina and is a first-year PhD student under Dr. Kenneth Hoyt in the bioengineering department at UT Dallas. He also serves as the publicity chair for the Black Graduate Student Association, which aims to support and enrich Black students in the academic space.

In his spare time, Leroy likes to ride go-carts, go kayaking, have conversations about mental health, and hang out with his friends. He also enjoys rooting for the North Carolina Tar Heels and LeBron James and watching Formula One auto racing.

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8:02 a.m.

Leroy stands smiling and buttoning his jacket.

Life as a Comet:
Leroy Arthur, first year PhD student, bioengineering department


Four photos of Leroy with family and friends.

I am Ghanian-American raised in Durham, North Carolina, and received my undergraduate degree from North Carolina at Chapel Hill. My family is still in North Carolina and moved to Dallas solo dolo during summer 2020. I am the current publicity chair for the Black Graduate Student Association (BGSA) and study under Dr. Kenneth Hoyt.
I am Ghanian-American raised in Durham, North Carolina, and received my undergraduate degree from North Carolina at Chapel Hill. My family is still in North Carolina and moved to Dallas solo dolo during summer 2020. I am the current publicity chair for the Black Graduate Student Association (BGSA) and study under Dr. Kenneth Hoyt.

9:29 a.m.

The usual sun isn’t out but excited to start the day! #maskon

11:45 a.m.

Tabs always stay open on my computer

12:53 p.m.

Practice PhD thesis defense, all things ultrasound.

1:42 p.m.

Off to lunch!

3:13 p.m.

Neat guest lecturer for a weekly bioengineering seminar.

8:18 p.m.

Night studying at my favorite coffee shop. @soireecoffeebar